The City of Winchester, Virginia, and its Economic Development department are committed to transparency and honest communication. Here you will find important information regarding our board of directors, past and current audits, relevant financial information, and more.
If you have any questions or want to request any documents not provided here, please contact Vanessa Santiago, Business and Community Development Manager, at (540) 667-1815 ext 1663, or
The Economic Development Authority facilitates economic development activity to maximize use of industrial and commercial land. This enables the city to help the workforce develop to its fullest potential and minimize burden on the individual taxpayer. The EDA takes into account the need to preserve the social, environmental, architectural and cultural fabric of the community.
The EDA meets every Third Tuesday of each month, 8:00 am, Zuckerman Conference Room, Rouss City Hall, 15 North Cameron Street. Find more information about EDA meetings on the Winchester Civicweb.